Saturday 7 September 2013

Day 37 to Day 43
Well we boarded the Ship on Saturday the 31st Aug at about lunchtime and then left Vancouver at 5pm.
We started the trip with a welcome drink on the rear deck with some Margueritas. Linda has found it a bit challenging finding her way around the ship, kept getting lost, but has just about got it mastered just as we are 24 hours from disembarking.
We had 2 days of sailing in relative calm seas before we reached our first port, Juneau. Upon arriving I tried to confirm our Sled Dog ride excursion only to be told that due to the above average hot summer Alaska has had the dog camp on the glacier had to be dismantled early and we would get a full refund. So we spent the day shopping and Linda purchased herself a very nice ring.
We then proceeded to Skagway where we did a tour of the surrounding area.  This was very interesting and our tour driver was very informative and had a very dry sense of humour, which made the trip a bit of fun.
It was then onto Glacier Bay. This is the bay you always see with the Glacier that is slowly breaking off directly into the ocean. All very interesting but it was very overcast and foggy so wasn’t able to get very good pictures.
Yesterday we arrived in Ketchikan and did a tour to see bears in the wild. We took a floatplane to a remote cove then drove and walked to a secluded creek where there was a viewing platform/blind setup. Here the Salmon were trying to swim upstream to spawn. We were lucky enough to observe about 4 bears in and around the stream. There were 2 in particular we saw actually catching and eating the Salmon. We were only approx. 20mtrs away from all the action. It was truly a memorable experience.
We left Ketchikan yesterday (Thursday) at 6pm and arrive Vancouver Saturday at 7am. So the trip is all but over as we leave Vancouver Saturday Afternoon and arrive Darwin Monday lunchtime.
As we have very limited Internet I will upload some photo’s when we return home.

Iceberg next to the ship in Glacier Bay

Black Bear Ketchikan Alaska

Ketchikan from the Ship
Balck Bear trailing two Tape Worms from his backside
Proving we were there

Again proving we were there

Where Glacier meets the sea in Glacier Bay

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