Sunday 28 July 2013

Day 1 and 2
Saturday Night 11pm San Francisco.

Flying, Flying, Flying and we have finally arrived safely in San Francisco this afternoon. its quite cool here about 18 degrees. The plane leaving Brisbane was 2 hours late due to an oven failure in the Business Class galley so they boarded us then we had to wait for 2 hours whilst they fixed it. Luckily we had a an original layover of 4 hours in Los Angeles which still allowed us to connect with our original flight to San Francisco.
Michele & Kevin are with us and they had their luggage tags ripped off which meant they had to recheck in at LA instead of the luggage transferring through. It was touch and go for them to catch the connecting flight, luckily that plane was delayed 1 hour as well! The security checks coming into the country is mind blowing! We were security'd on arrival to LA then security'd again flying up to San Francisco. We've had our fingerprints taken, both hands, had our photo taken, asked to take our coats and shoes off, dont worry about the cold!
After checking in walked down to Fisherman's Wharf and stopped off for some Clam Chowder on the way for a late lunch. Had a look at the seals etc but there weren't nearly as many as there were when I was last here.
Came back to Hotel about 5 as jet lag had caught up with everyone.
Off on a couple of tours etc tomorrow including Alcatraz.

Pier 39 Fishermans Wharf

Seals Fishermans Wharf

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