Tuesday 30 July 2013

Day 3

Well after many hours sleep...13 hours for me, woke up refreshed ready for the day. The day has been cold, windy and overcast all day, max temp is just 15 and its supposed to be summer in California! Just as well we bought some tropical warm weather gear!
The tour director (Peter) is leading us at a cracking pace! Walked down to the tour company to get our tickets for the Alcatraz tour, had about an hours wait but finally got the tickets. Our tour didn't start till 11.30 so we went shopping, for some warm weather gear... then Alcatraz. It was an amazing tour, self guided with audio and very well done. Made you feel like you were there. Consequently, we didnt get back till late so missed out on our other tour, which we can do tomorrow. Our feet at the end of the day felt like they didnt belong to our body, they were sooo sore.

Waiting for Trolley Car
Cell Alcatraz

Alcatraz Island

Solitary Cells Alcatraz
For dinner we decided to go on one of those famous San Francisco cable cars that go up and down those very steep streets, to Union Square where there are lots of eating places. By this time i reckon it was only 10 degrees, cold and windy and we had to wait 2 hours for a car! Still it was worth it, people were singing and having fun, I think they were all delirious with cold.

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