Friday 30 August 2013

Day 34 & 35
Another long day yesterday on the bus as we had to make sure we met the ferry to Victoria BC. The ferry trip takes 1.5hrs and takes up to 400 vehicles and passengers. Trip was very calm and after disembarking made our way to the Butchart Gardens. Spent a couple of hours there then off to the hotel.The gardens were magnificent and the colours of the flowers very beautiful. Had an early tea with an American Couple (Don & Linda) we have met on tour and had a great evening. This morning went on a 3 hour whale watching cruise looking for Killer Whales. Of course no one told the whales we were coming so they never showed up. Have just come back from the laundromat after doing our washing. Tomorrow its back on the ferry to make our way to Vancouver.
Fountain in front of our Hotel in Kelowna

Sister Ferry of the one we were on

Butchart Gardens Entrance

Some of the Flowers

Me trying to spot some whales

Linda & Don the couple we had tea with.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 32 & 33
Yesterday we had a relatively quiet day in Banff, did a tour around the town then went on the Gondola up to Mt Surprise which took us up to a height greater than Mt Kosciusko. It isn't till you visit places like the Rockies that you realize just how small our mountain ranges are in Australia and how little snow we get. The amount of fresh water lakes over her is phenomenal, all created from the winter snow. Finished the day off with a beautiful meal where I had a rib eye Buffalo (Bison) steak and Linda had a Duck breast both absolutely delicious.
Today it was a long day on the bus from Banff to Kelowna. Tomorrow is an even earlier start as we travel from Kelowna to Victoria and this involves a 1.5hr Vehicle ferry ride mid way through the day. We arrived in Kelowna at 4pm so Linda and I jumped into a taxi to take us to the Harley shop so I could buy the obligatory T-Shirt. Haven't bought one for over a week so was getting withdrawal symptoms. Will also try and get one in Victoria and Vancouver.
Mountain taken from Banff Hotel

Gondola Ride Banff

View from Gondola ride

Another view from Gondola Ride

Winery where we had dinner tonight in Kelowna

Monday 26 August 2013

Day 30 & 31,
Well yesterday we had a good relaxing day in Jasper, did the washing and purchased some thermals in readiness for our excursion today as well as in Alaska. In the afternoon we just relaxed in the hotel and watched a couple of movies.
Today we were up at 5:30am ready for a 7:30am departure from the hotel. Today we made our way from Jasper to Banff via The Icefields Parkway, which has to be one of the picturesque roads around. It has fantastic views of the Canadian Rockies with numerous glaciers as well as lakes and rivers. Mid way through the parkway we stopped at Columbia Icefield and actually went up on to a glacier and walked around it for half an hour, very special but also very cold, however the new thermals worked very well. We also stopped at Lake Louise near Banff a very picturesque place as well. Along the way today we were lucky to spot a Coyote, Black Bear, Deer, Moose & Long Horned Mountain Sheep.
Athabasca Falls on Icefields Parkway

Another view of the falls

Scene along the Icefields Parkway

Another scene along the Icelands Parkway

Linda on the Glacier

Me on the Glacier

Looking at Glacier from where we were standing

Ice Explorer Bus to get you to the Glacier

Looking up towards Glacier from Information Centre

Linda & I in front of Lake Louise.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 26, 27, 28 & 29
Well had an early start on Tuesday to get in the bus and see the highlights of Toronto City. It was then off to Niagara Falls and to do the Maid of the Mist boat cruise. The falls are truly spectacular but have been spoilt by the commercialization of the surrounding area. There is no natural landscape at all around the falls. It is as if the falls are in the middle of Las Vegas with Casinos and big hotels right near them. The Maid of the Mist boat cruise was good with us getting very close to the edge of falls and the boat getting drenched in water spray from the falls. It was then back to Toronto for a couple of hours free time before we went to tea at the CN Tower, a revolving restaurant over 500 metres high, in the middle of Toronto. The meal was excellent with steaks bigger than I had ever
seen and cooked to perfection. It is obvious all the good meat is sent out of Australia because the steaks over here are cheap and are to die for. Cooked to perfection, tender and with heaps of flavour. All the food here has flavour especially the fruit and vegetables.
It was then off to catch The Canadian, our train for the next three nights as we crossed from Toronto to Jasper. We left Toronto at 10pm and the first night was interesting as we didn't get much sleep. The following two nights were OK as we got used to the movement of the train. The train went from the east to west side of Canada and crossed through some magnificent country ending at Jasper in the Rockies. The meals on the train were also magnificent. Overall a very enjoyable trip. Upon arriving in Jasper this afternoon it was aboard a bus to Maligne Lake which is surrounded by Glaciers and Snow covered mountains. Just magnificent. Tomorrow is free so will catch up on the washing and do some shopping. Sunday off to Banff.
Niagara Falls

On board Maid of the Mist tour

View from CN Tower

Looking up from bottom of CN Tower

Our Train Cabin for 3 nights
The Rockies come into view near Jasper

View from Train. Eastern side of Canada

Looking at Spirit Island and back of Lake Maligne.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 25,
Well, firstly had a great meal at an old American Diner in Times Square last night, then back to the hotel for an early rise with a 7.00am pickup for trip to airport. Times Square was amazing, the picture doesn't do it justice, the neon lights and building picture shows is incredible!
Arrived in Toronto Hotel at 2pm and had a little Nanna nap(!) before meeting up with Michelle our travel agent who organized the trip up to this point. It was great to actually meet Michelle as we had only met via email and phone prior to this. I must say that the effort Michelle put into our trip was fantastic and everything has just gone off without a problem. Tonight we meet with the tour leader for the second leg of the trip to go over the next 2 weeks activities. Then it was off to tea and after that  trying to organize what we are taking on the train for the next 3 days as we are only allowed an overnight bag between the two of us. It seems we won't have much internet access, as we will be in the wilds of Canada (!) over the next few days so further trip updates my be few and far between.
Times Square at Night
Times Square at night (2)

Monday 19 August 2013

Day 24,
Went and visited the USS Intrepid & USS Growler. These are decommissioned US Navy vessels. The Intrepid an aircraft carrier and the Growler a submarine used in the cold war against Russia. There was also one of the Space Shuttles The Enterprise and a Concord on display. All were excellent. We got a surprise as to just how big the space shuttle is.
We then caught the hop on hop off bus again to to do the uptown loop of Manhattan which again was very interesting. We got off at Central Park and took a Horse and Buggy ride around the park. Most enjoyable. Tomorrow we fly to Toronto to start the Canadian and Alaskan leg of the trip. So not sure when the next installment will be forthcoming.
USS Intrepid

USS Intrepid

Space Shuttle Enterprise

Shuttle Head On

Where John Lennon got shot.

Fountain in Central Park

Linda & I in Buggy Central Park

Sunday 18 August 2013

Day 23
Last night we saw the Musical The Jersey Boys and it was fantastic.
Well today we got up up fairly early and made our way to Battery Park so we could catch the ferry over to the Statue of Liberty before the crowds. This worked well as it was no where as crowded as yesterday. We then caught the bus and continued the Sight Seeing tour around Manhattan. We then did some shopping including visiting Macy's. After that it was time to visit the Post Office again and send another package home. We are pretty tired tonight as we have done a lot of walking today. Finished off the day with a beautiful meal at a French Restaurant. Another busy day tomorrow before we leave New York for Toronto on Monday.

August Wilson Theatre where we saw Jersey Boys

Linda & I in front of you know what.

Statue of Liberty
Fans of Law & Order will recognize this.

Staten Island Ferry

Saturday 17 August 2013

Day 21 & 22
Drove from Newburgh to New York yesterday and arrived at our Hotel at 1pm. The drive into Manhattan wasn't as bad as I had envisioned. In fact it was pretty easy and actually easier than driving in Sydney CBD. The streets mostly go one way which makes it pretty easy.  The drive over the Washington Bridge to get into Manhattan was pretty hectic and we had to make sure we were in the right lane at the correct time to make the correct turn. Missed the hire car drop off point on the first occasion so just went round the block and found it the second time round. Went for a bit a of a walk around and up to times square waiting for our room to be ready at 3pm.
After checking in we made our way to the 911 memorial as we had tickets for 6pm. Bit of a rig moral to get in but once there very much worth the effort.
Today we got our Hop On Hop Off tickets and saw many parts of New York on the bus. Got off at the Empire State Building and went up to the viewing level on 86th floor. View was excellent as it was very clear day. Continued on the bus and stopped of to do the Statue of Liberty but very busy. Decided to leave it till tomorrow. Girls then decided to do some shopping at Century 21. Tonight we are off to The Jersey Boys.
Also got some good news last night Brett and Sarah gave birth to a little girl Piper Stacey. Great work guys.
Washington Bridge

Part of Times Square

Me looking into remembrance pool of North Tower 911

Times Square again

911 Remembrance Pool North Tower

View from Empire State Building 88th floor viewing platform.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Day 20,
Today we drove from York to Newburgh NY. First off before we left York we did the Harley Factory tour. This is the factory where all the Touring, Softail & CVO models are made. It was very interesting to see the Guards and Tanks pressed from flat pieces of steel then trimmed etc. The tank halves then welded together and pressure checked. We also saw the making of the frames and the Painting of all the pieces. We could not actually see the assembly line as it had 2014 model bikes on it and they are to be released on Sunday, so if we had come next Monday this would have also been included in the tour. This however was covered in a video. Even Linda thought it was very interesting. We then made our way to Newburgh along the back roads trying to see some Amish people. We spotted a couple farming with horses and also a couple travelling along in their Horse and Buggies. Linda fitted in another Doctors visit along the way so she could get some more antibiotics for her bronchitis.
Went out for tea at OCC Cafe (Orange County Choppers, American Chopper TV Show) and had a great meal. Driving to New York tomorrow and hand back the car in Manhatten.

Harley Factory York

Some of the Tin work made in the Factory

Amish Farmer Ploughing field

Amish horse & Buggy

linda's Burger at OCC Cafe

OCC Cafe