Wednesday 7 August 2013

Day 12
Left Milwaukee at 9:00am this morning to drive to Amamosa then Davenport, approx 330 miles. Beautiful scenery as I had the GPS set to take us on back roads only. The scenery is so green here with manicured lawns and lots of corn crops just about to mature. The reason for coming to Amamosa was to visit the National Motorcycle Museum. Very good exhibit with over 400 motorcycles of all makes, sizes and age. I decided to then take in a quick visit to J&P Cycles one of the largest aftermarket parts supplier for all bikes, also in Amamosa. Tomorrow we are off to Xenia Ohio (430 miles) to spend a couple of nights with a friend of mine that I have had contact with for over 20 years. So probably won't post anything for a couple of days.
Something you won't see in Darwin Pick Up with Snow Plough Attached.
Bridge over Mississippi River

Mississippi River
National Motorcycle Museum Amamosa.

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