Monday 5 August 2013

Days 8, 9 & 10
Arrived Las Vegas mid afternoon and booked into hotel. Spent the afternoon checking out the surrounding hotels and everyone was in awe of their size and decor etc. Made it down to the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop to have a look (Pawn Stars Reality TV Show) it was really basic and of course none of the TV personalities were there. Spent the early hours of the night walking the strip to look at the hotels at night. Ended up stopping at the Paris Hotel which is just amazing when you go inside as they have the roof painted as a sky and you would think it actually was daylight and it is set up as if you were actually walking in a small street in Paris. Had a meal in a really nice French Restaurant. Didn't stay out too late as we were being picked up at 6am for the tour to the Grand Canyon.
this tour was fantastic and money well spent. We arrived at the West Rim of the canyon at 10:30am to get straight into a helicopter for a ride down to the bottom of the canyon and the Colorado River. We then did an hour  pontoon boat cruise up the river and back to be picked up again by helicopter to be taken back to the top. The temperature at the bottom of the canyon was 41c in the shade.
Kevin & I then did the Skywalk where you walk out over the canyon on a glass floor. The canyon floor is a mile below.
The day finished with a look at the Hoover Dam and we got home at 7:30pm. A big day.
It was then off to have a look at Fremont St (The old part of Las Vegas) and some tea. The Band the Presidents of America was playing in Fremont St so there was a huge crowd. We had some tea and arrived back at the hotel at 1am.
Today we have flown from Las Vegas to Milwaukee where we are visiting the Harley Museum tomorrow and catching up on the laundry. Have taken delivery of a Jeep SUV for the drive from here to New York.
Looking at Bellagio Fountain from our Room

Fremont Street Roof Light Show

Kevin and Me on the Skywalk

Flying into Grand Canyon

Hoover Dam

Skywalk Birds Eye view
Gold & Silver Pawn Shop

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