Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 25,
Well, firstly had a great meal at an old American Diner in Times Square last night, then back to the hotel for an early rise with a 7.00am pickup for trip to airport. Times Square was amazing, the picture doesn't do it justice, the neon lights and building picture shows is incredible!
Arrived in Toronto Hotel at 2pm and had a little Nanna nap(!) before meeting up with Michelle our travel agent who organized the trip up to this point. It was great to actually meet Michelle as we had only met via email and phone prior to this. I must say that the effort Michelle put into our trip was fantastic and everything has just gone off without a problem. Tonight we meet with the tour leader for the second leg of the trip to go over the next 2 weeks activities. Then it was off to tea and after that  trying to organize what we are taking on the train for the next 3 days as we are only allowed an overnight bag between the two of us. It seems we won't have much internet access, as we will be in the wilds of Canada (!) over the next few days so further trip updates my be few and far between.
Times Square at Night
Times Square at night (2)

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