Wednesday 14 August 2013

Day 18 & 19
Continued with the tour of Washington yesterday and first off visited the Holocaust Museum which was very well done. Spent a couple of hours there. Then took a tour of a different part of Washington around the older section Georgetown. Came home for a afternoon nap as we had another tour last night, A Moonlight tour of the Monuments which went for another 2.5 hours.  Very good tour but meant we didn't sit down for tea till after 10pm. Washington is a really beautiful place and it is somewhere you could come back and spend another couple of weeks just trying to see it all. Left Washington at 8am this morning in the pouring rain and made our way to Gettysburg to do the Gettysburg battlefield tour. This battle was one of the largest and most decisive of the Civil War. We saw a film documentary, the cyclorama, (which is circular painting that is over 100 years old and is approx 10mts high

and the museum. Then we went on a 2hr bus tour of the battlefield. All extremely well done but the bus tour could have been shorter.  Meant more if you were a local.
Tried to fit in a visit to the Harley Factory at York but got there to late. Tours closed at 2pm so will go at 9am tomorrow when we leave here.
Korean War Memorial by Night

Marines Iwo Jima War Memorial
Over looking part of the Battlefield
Statue overlooking Gettysburg Battlefield

White House by Night

Part of the Cyclorama

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