Friday 2 August 2013

Day 7.
Long day involving two tours. The first was a tour of Los Angeles and Hollywood. Was an excellent tour with a very informative tour guide who showed us so much of Hollywood and the surrounding suburbs.
Then it was an afternoon tour of the Stars homes in Beverley Hills. Also very well done and it was great just to drive around and have a look at all the homes not just Stars Houses as the suburb of Beverley Hills is truly beautiful.
Tomorrow morning flying to Las Vegas arriving around lunchtime.
Famous Hollywood Sign

Rodeo Dve Beverley Hills

Jackie Collins House in Beverley Hill's

Entrance to Paramount Pictures studio lot.

The House used in the Beverley Hillbillies.

1 comment:

  1. We just caught up with your trip to date (day 7). Sounds like you are having a fabulous time. Keep up the adventure, stories & pics. Cheers, Suz & Tez
