Saturday 17 August 2013

Day 21 & 22
Drove from Newburgh to New York yesterday and arrived at our Hotel at 1pm. The drive into Manhattan wasn't as bad as I had envisioned. In fact it was pretty easy and actually easier than driving in Sydney CBD. The streets mostly go one way which makes it pretty easy.  The drive over the Washington Bridge to get into Manhattan was pretty hectic and we had to make sure we were in the right lane at the correct time to make the correct turn. Missed the hire car drop off point on the first occasion so just went round the block and found it the second time round. Went for a bit a of a walk around and up to times square waiting for our room to be ready at 3pm.
After checking in we made our way to the 911 memorial as we had tickets for 6pm. Bit of a rig moral to get in but once there very much worth the effort.
Today we got our Hop On Hop Off tickets and saw many parts of New York on the bus. Got off at the Empire State Building and went up to the viewing level on 86th floor. View was excellent as it was very clear day. Continued on the bus and stopped of to do the Statue of Liberty but very busy. Decided to leave it till tomorrow. Girls then decided to do some shopping at Century 21. Tonight we are off to The Jersey Boys.
Also got some good news last night Brett and Sarah gave birth to a little girl Piper Stacey. Great work guys.
Washington Bridge

Part of Times Square

Me looking into remembrance pool of North Tower 911

Times Square again

911 Remembrance Pool North Tower

View from Empire State Building 88th floor viewing platform.

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