Sunday 18 August 2013

Day 23
Last night we saw the Musical The Jersey Boys and it was fantastic.
Well today we got up up fairly early and made our way to Battery Park so we could catch the ferry over to the Statue of Liberty before the crowds. This worked well as it was no where as crowded as yesterday. We then caught the bus and continued the Sight Seeing tour around Manhattan. We then did some shopping including visiting Macy's. After that it was time to visit the Post Office again and send another package home. We are pretty tired tonight as we have done a lot of walking today. Finished off the day with a beautiful meal at a French Restaurant. Another busy day tomorrow before we leave New York for Toronto on Monday.

August Wilson Theatre where we saw Jersey Boys

Linda & I in front of you know what.

Statue of Liberty
Fans of Law & Order will recognize this.

Staten Island Ferry

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