Friday 30 August 2013

Day 34 & 35
Another long day yesterday on the bus as we had to make sure we met the ferry to Victoria BC. The ferry trip takes 1.5hrs and takes up to 400 vehicles and passengers. Trip was very calm and after disembarking made our way to the Butchart Gardens. Spent a couple of hours there then off to the hotel.The gardens were magnificent and the colours of the flowers very beautiful. Had an early tea with an American Couple (Don & Linda) we have met on tour and had a great evening. This morning went on a 3 hour whale watching cruise looking for Killer Whales. Of course no one told the whales we were coming so they never showed up. Have just come back from the laundromat after doing our washing. Tomorrow its back on the ferry to make our way to Vancouver.
Fountain in front of our Hotel in Kelowna

Sister Ferry of the one we were on

Butchart Gardens Entrance

Some of the Flowers

Me trying to spot some whales

Linda & Don the couple we had tea with.

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